
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Back in USA

Been back and sick for 3 days already. Well, i blame the followings:
1) My last day diet in Singapore = Black Pepper chicken from KFC for lunch, half box of durian + spicy chicken curry for dinner. Yes, that resulted in sore throat, but the following to come made it worse.
2) 20 hours of flight
3) Having to adjust the 16 hours of time difference
4) Weather difference. It’s 35 degrees back home, ~95 fahrenheit

I know i'm being whiny here but hey, no one likes being sick. In fact, i can't recall the last time i was sick. I've been staying at home or should i say sleeping the past 2 days? I love to swing back in action but the flu is getting the better of me. On the other hand, i should stay home and rest, in case i spread the flu virus to others.

Now... flu flu go away...


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