
Friday, November 27, 2009

Furious clicking at 1am

It's Black Friday sale!!! Time of the year where crazy sales start and crazy people queue up in the cold to buy those crazy deals. As for us? We ain't crazy enough to queue up in the cold. Instead, after a hearty thanksgiving lunch/ dinner, we set through the stacks of newspapers looking in great details all the deals.

Wanted to buy a GPS as our current GPS is "half dead'. Derrick wanted a dirt cheap one as he figures we don't use it often enough. Was about to decide to wake up at 4am to drive 30min to Walmart to buy it. When i realised that it's now available online at walmart.com The deals have started!!!!. Yes.. It's 1am Pacific time which is 3am Eastern Time now..Cool... Not only did we save a trip to Walmart, we also get a further 15% cashback from Bing Search also..

Talk about tech savvy on Black Friday. kk, going to catch a wink before waking up at 5am to join the crowds.


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