
Friday, November 13, 2009

What happens on a friday evening?

  • After a tiring work week, it seems a good idea to stop by the supermarket to grab some stuff before dinner with frens.
  • Derrick saw the clearance rack has packets of Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms for $0.45
  • We decide to buy despite being on diet. As that's the treat for the tough week of work and diets and gym.
  • We decide to munch into the pack of M&M on the way to fren's place.
  • Getting lost while on the way there.
  • I have had to drop the last piece of M&M in the car.
  • I was hoping for a 5second rule to eat that fallen M&M.
  • Yet it took another 30minutes to find as i incidentally pushed it into a hidden corner of the seat.
  • Derrick had to devise some tool to take it out.
  • Now is that an indication of my crazy week?

p/s: No, i did not eat that M&M, as Derrick is not going to send me to hospital if i eat that =P


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