
Friday, October 30, 2009

Ella thinks paintball is illegal and should be banned

Just back from my first ever paintball event and although it was really fun. It was really painful too... It was a team event and was certainly a blast shooting at your teammates, managers, skip manager. And i have the bruises to prove how painful paintball is.

In the final round of No-Mercy, i.e shoot until you give up or run out of ammo, I was like one of the first to surrender. Reason? I had paint ball blasted into my mouth area in my mask. Yes, i had paint in my mouth and nose. Had to run to the toilet to spit out the mouthful of paint. Yikes, the lips really hurt from that also.

In total, I had 4 shots right on the head, countless on the left arm, countless on the thighs and legs. 1 at the knee cap that numbed my entire leg for a few minutes when that happend. And guess what i found after the event?

I have 3 nasty bruises lined up on my arm, must have been the same person shooting those 3 shots. And the biggest ever bruise, a 2inch wide one on my thigh. In case you are wondering? Yes that's slightly bigger than 2inch and this is how it looks 4 hours after the event. Yes, paintball is nasty and painful..


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