
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Swanky birthday cupcake

There's this new fancy cupcake boutique that just opened in Braven. Derrick's office is in Braven which has all the swanky upscale boutiques on the first 2 floors. Shops like Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton, etc.. Yep, it's rings $$$$. here's the site of Braven http://www.thebravern.com/

Well, previously i heard of my friend driving to Seattle to try out their cupcakes. Now that they have an outlet just at Derrick's building, we went and bought 1 cupcake as my birthday treat. Yeah, need to limit our calories intake.

I got the peanut butter chocolate cupcake, and it was good as it ain't too sweet. But definitely a little pricy at USD$3 a piece. Here's the site: http://trophycupcakes.com/

Happy birthday to me!!!


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