
Saturday, October 03, 2009

Another enlightment about Mutton and lamb

I was with my team having lunch at this indian restaurant. When one of my teammate enquired what i was having, i said mutton curry when in fact, it was lamb curry. Luckily for that mistake, one of my other teammate explained the difference between mutton and lamb.

Answer: Both are sheep, but have distinct differences, mainly in age. As you may know, the age of an animal can affect how tender their meat is and the flavor.

Lamb is a sheep that in typically under one year of age. There is little fat on lamb and the meat can vary in color from a tender pink to a pale red. Lamb under 3 months of age is called Spring lamb. Most sheep meat sold in the U.S. comes from lambs simply because mutton isn't as popular.

Mutton is meat from a sheep that is older than a year, ideally 3 years of age. It is an intense red color and contains a considerable amount of fat. its flavor is very strong and many have to "acquire" the taste before enjoying mutton. Mutton is much more popular in the Middle East and in Europe than in the United States.
Copied from http://mideastfood.about.com/od/tipsandtechniques/f/lambmutton.htm

mutton = sheep (grown-up) -- distinct flavor
lamb = lamb (baby sheep) -- milder flavor

hmm... now i wonder what is it that i like, mutton curry or lamb curry?


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