
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Looking back: My first ever bungy jump

Been in a reminiscing mood recently. Some recent events at work kinda set off this thinking. In the past, I would say before i came to USA, i'm quite different from now. I used to think when faced with an issue or event or opportunity, i would just do it literally. Don't think too much and just do it. Specially the sort that you might regret later if you missed it.

A good example is bungy jump. Those who know me well, knows that i have a great fear of heights. In fact, i have such a bad case of Acrophobia that i can break out in cold sweat walking overhead bridges with cars zooming behind the bridge. Well, when i was back packing in New Zealand, years ago, I just went ahead and did it anyway. And to this day, i would certainly think twice about jumping again but i never regret doing it ever.

Has this got to do with me growing older? i dunno, but i certainly would love to get back some of those carefreeness and the zest.



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