
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Taiwan Days 2009

kk, i have been slacking with my blog. Well, every day of my vacation is packed. Yeah, vacation seems just as busy as work life except that i'm not in front of my monitor or sitting in meetings. Let me recap the days spent in Taiwan. hmmm.. tons of food pictures.. =)

This trip to taiwan, we took all forms of train. Rail, High speed rail, MRT

Yes, Derrick looked all too excited to eat the cracker. The seller taught him how to eat it too by cracking it flat first.

Tainan. Taiwan's biggest outdoor night market. It is indeed BIG and lots of yummy food.

The boys decide to have some fun at trying to fish with the paper net. It's so funny that we told the stall owner that we don't want the fishes. The auntie actually joked that we may not catch any fish at all. Very nice lady, she actually demonstrated to us how to use the paper net to catch the fish also.

Ah Zhong Mee Sua
Our favourite - Ah Zhong Mee Sua at Xi Men Ding

i love chicken cutlet
My Favourite - Chicken Cutlet

New yummy food discovered on this trip - Noodles and braised rice (Lu Fan)

Yummy dessert from meetfresh
Love this dessert. Super super good.. Web site at http://www.meetfresh.com.tw

Loved taiwan for the food, people, sights and weather. Yuummylicious place


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