
Friday, November 27, 2009

6 hours later

Planned to wake up at 5am but woke up at 6am instead. yawnz... so sleepy and i wonder if there's anything we will buy today. Decide to have a quick breakfast at Macdonald's before all the shopping. Yes, i need my coffee injections to jumpstart my day for this Black Friday.

Went Target, Old Navy, Express, Macys and called it a day at 1pm. Derrick complained that i shop too slow already. Yes, i'm not prepared for Black Friday and have no idea what i want to buy. So i'm cruising slowly among the rushed shoppers, taking my own sweet time deciding whether to buy. And Derrick's like, "Just buy first, return later lor..." Yep, that's the coolest thing about shopping in US. Most shops here have no-question-asked return policy. So always buy first then decide later.

The cool thing about Black Friday shopping is, with all the hurried shoppers, you tend to be infected with the shopping mood too. Yes...

What did we buy today?
1. Super cheap GPS from Walmart - As long as it can work, it's fine for us, we don't need bluetooth, etc..
2. Electric blanket - Been thinking about getting for a while
3. Blanket - Could pass on a cheap deal
4. More clothes, sweater, hoodies - Just buy anything that's cheap.


  • At 7:52 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    HAHa.. sounds like a Singaporean Kiasu-ism riding on the US no-question-asked return policy. hEHHEH..


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