
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Our very first time at Skiing/ Snowboarding.

The group of us headed up to Snoqualmie on Saturday. 6 of doing learing skiing while the other 2 doing snowboarding. As we headed out early, the traffic and q were good. The weather was good too and we had heavy snow for ard 15min and it was fun.
Derrick before the start of the lesson.

After the lesson, we headed for lunch. Gamely, we decided to take the lift and try the beginner slopes instead of practising more at the "magic carpet area" -the beginners class area. Now, in my opinion, that's a big mistake. As most of us are really amatuers, we have a lot of difficulties on the slope. Or should i say tumbling. The slopes were icy and difficult to get up after we fall on the super steep slope.

Jy and Derrick

Here's one for the camera after falling down many times. FYI, at that point, i didn't even move far away from the starting point yet. and the thick ice underneath the shoes that had to be removed before i can fit it back into the skis.

Here's a picture of Junyong lying on the floor (hee.. he was posing for the camera). Sheue Lei and Ricky are just behind him.

Group pic

We all had fun.. It was a super tiring and injuries day.. But we will be back the for remaining 2 lessons. Maybe can reconsider repeating lesson 1.

here's to the link for the other pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/78492579@N00/sets/72157603653783769/


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