
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Xmas party 2007

Yup, we didn't have a white christmas but a wet one. It've been raining for the past few days. Nevertheless, we had a fun christmas with everyone. The food was good and we had fun with the cupcake competition and "Dirty Santa" game where gifts can be stolen..

Here's some pictures of the night:
Me, dressed in red and green for the night

Sample cupcakes made by me, eve and Derrick for the cupcake competition.

Justin's car that attracted a lot of attention. =) No one recognises it as a car and he went round describing his car. It has a steering wheel and bumper too..

Squarish snowman
Derrick's cupcake that i called robocop..

christmas tree
My cupcake that won the competition. But to be fair, we crown our guest as winner instead. Thanks for the 3 votes given to me. Well just my explaination for the design won them over, it's simple and low on calories..

The winner from our guest Sheemei - alina's friend

Here's the link to the other pictures of the night:


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