
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Economy of scale (American version)

Powdered nutmeg

We are going to make egg nog for the coming Christmas party. And that calls for nutmeg. Now the smaller bottle is $3.63 while the bigger bottle is $2.30. And over here in USA, the price tag will state the price/pound. So it's $53.43 for the small bottle and $17.45 for the bigger bottle.

Now.. The receipe only calls for 1 teaspoon of nutmeg. And the supermarket brand is similar to those branded brands.

Which will you take??

In the end, we took the bigger bottle... Why pay more for a smaller bottle? Well.. that's USA, u pay less for bigger bottles.


  • At 5:29 AM , Blogger BeeFGee said...

    I will buy the one that contains only 1 spoon of nutmeg =p


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