
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas party preparations

Did i tell you we are having a christmas party at our place? Well.. it's just a dinner with some of the frens here. The festive mood got into me and derrick and we bought quite a bit of stuff to make 2 dishes. We are going to make cupcakes and egg nogs. Totally christmas food..

We did our research to find out the food americans have for christmas parties. Yeah.. No turkey.. Turkey is for thanksgiving.

To those people in Singapore who are having turkey for Xmas, you have copied wrongly.. Turkey is for thanksgiving...

Well, here goes the list for egg nog:
Egg Nog
Milk, Heavy cream, pasteriused eggs, nutmeg, bourdon. ok.. we bought hard liquor just for this xmas drink.. And we bought 1 off-the-shelf eggnog to test it out. To serve as a standard for comparison. Last but not least, we bought the most expensive eggs you ever find... Pasturised vegetarian eggs. Well.. Egg nog doesn't involve cooking. So we figured having the healthiest eggs for this dish will be best option for our guests.

And here's for the cupcakes:
lot of candies, toppings, etc for decorations.. Hee.. Keeping it a secret until post party. Will keep everyone posted on the results..

................................................Merry christmas to all..................................


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