
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Fedex lost my parcels or were they stolen?


1. The online statements shows it delivered.

2. But no signature?? And left at Frontdoor.. hello.. It's Fedex, how can u leave it at the door?

3. The Fedex courier guy even made another trip to our house to be sure he didn't leave it at the wrong place.

4. Maybe our neighbours stole it? Will any1 admit?

5. We knocked on neighbours door, everybody says "No idea"

6. So who's to blame..

7. It could be a super super big fat squirrel that stole my 2 parcels that weight a total of 6 pounds. Impossible...

8. Fedex ask me to claim for $ but i want the items not the $. It's not for me, i'm helping fren in Singapore to buy

9. The shop is sending a replacement, catch is they cannot deliver to me as they fear it will get stolen again. So i need collect from store. Fine.. as long as i get the stuff without paying anything more.


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