
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Into the new year 2008

Spent the new year with some friends over burgers and beer. It felt close to the heart and i'm blessed to have them on this other side of the world. In our bid to be healthier, we prepare much lesser food aka tried to be more precise with the amount of food. I felt better as there was more veg, veg salad, fruits.. It wasn't too greasy. The burger was yummy and thanks to our fren's new investment in an electric grill.

We brought beer and had slices of lime in the Corona. Is this American? Not too sure but we had the same drink at Derrick's ship party and kinda like that..
Veg burger
My yummy burger.. Hee, veg too big, can't see the big beef patty.

Looking back at the past few new-year-celebration, i alwiz find the ones away from home the best. Back home, i don't find anything good with squeezing at Orchard for the countdown, or meet up at some food joint in the super crowded Orchard. i don't miss the crowd in Singapore. Hopefully it gets better.

All that feels close to the heart is enjoying food with frens and drink to the new year. Here's a toast..
Hee.. i finished my glass of champagne before i remembered to take a picture of it. opps


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