
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yes, i've reached 19th floor

19th floor
That's the very sight that has delighted me for the past few days. Me and Derrick started the regime of walking up to our office in the morning. Well, he has 15 floors to climb in his building while i have 19. I know of people who walks the stairs to 21th floor and uses the stairs instead of elevator. As for me, i just started on it.

Day 1: Super angry at myself for getting into the elevator out of habit. Almost wanted to take the elevator down to level 1 and take the stairs. And when i finally start the stair walking the next day, was totally breathless by the time i'm at 5th floor. Felt like puking and passing out when i finally reached 19th floor.

Major mistakes:
1. Need to remove scarf, jacket at the start of the climb, else they are too warm for the climb.
2. I'm still nursing a cold, and the blocked nose aint helping the breathing for the climb. I should take a short breather every other floor

Now that i kinda can "survive" the climb, i'm still tired at the 5th floor, feel tempted to take the lift at the 10th floor. And yes, i'm still breathless at the 15th floor, don't try to chat with me

Someone: Hey, good morning
Me: *panting hard* morning
Someone: Wow, you walked all the way up? It must be tiring
Me: *trying super hard to catch my breath* yeeezzz

Yes, i love the sight of 19th floor every morning. See the wall even has the calculations of the amount of calories burnt


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