
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Avatar round 2


Just back from watching Avatar. Yes, it's the first time:
1) watch a movie twice (applies to both of us)
2) watch a 3D movie
3) watch it at IMAX at Pacific Science Center, Seattle.

Let's just say we both loved the graphics so much that we are keen to watch both the 2D and 3D version of it. It's cheaper to watch the 3D in USA as we had the Microsoft prime card discount, which is like USD$3.50/ ticket. The show was like mostly sold out, especially weekends and Derrick bought the tickets last week.

I think the 3D version is more impressive. Derrick says it's more immersive. If you haven't watch it yet, do go watch it. Personally, i like computer graphics (CG) shows.. that's me.

Warning: The show is almost 3 hours long


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