
Friday, February 05, 2010

It feels like college days

Just made it through a 3 day coding marathon with my manager. For 3 days, we start work at 7am, and crank code like there's no another day. Cancelled all our meetings, closed outlook so that we won't check emails, no surfing on the net. From 7am until 7pm for 3 whole days.

It's been a super productive 3 days. Of course, feeling super tired right now. And yet, i feel very satisfied. Maybe it's because we did get quite a lot of work done, or should i say high quality of work. Or maybe it's just feeling proud that we make good use of the time.

Yes, we consider it a miracle that we are going to deliver this major feature in just a short notice. And yet, it's quite an experience. Reminding us of the good old school days where you work non-stop to rush a project on time. And in this case of buddy coding, each of us become the pressure on each other to make sure we are focussed and on track.

I guess i learnt quite a lot and using LINQ more often. Right now, time to get some sleep before i head back to office tmr to do some stablisation testing. Yes, it's saturday tmr.


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