
Monday, March 08, 2010

Just when you thought it's spring...

I was just telling Derrick this morning that it will be spring next saturday. And that we have to adjust for daylight saving time soon.. Well, we have been having 40+ (5 degree celsius) fahrenheit degrees the past few weeks and it's been a super mild winter. And we can see the flowers blooming. And yes, the cherry bloosoms at UWA are in full bloom now.

It snowed today. When my teammate pointed it out this morning, we said it looks like rain. And we all thought it's rain. But on looking harder, it's really snow.. And few hours later, it snowed again. This time round, it's really snowing hard for a good 5 minutes..

For a while, i forgot that it's almost spring and admire the beautiful fluffy snow outside. Yes, it feels like being in a snow globe.


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