
Thursday, February 25, 2010

I finally gave in

Been nursing an aching right wrist for the past 2 weeks. And most people i talked to, conclude that it's work-related. Too much keyboard typing and mouse clicking on a non-ergonomic keyboard/ mouse. Well, i have been used to using the "normal" keyboard and mouse. In fact, i gave my first ergonomic keyboard away to another colleague previously.

It's just so difficult to type on an ergonomic keyboard and clicking using the ball-like looking mouse. And everybody says, just need to force yourself to get used to it.

Well, time to say goodbye to the keyboard and mouse..

Welcome the ergonomic ones. Yep, the admin has them in stock and i got them really fast.

First day on it: omg, keep getting typing mistakes and so difficult to move the cursor around using the ball-like looking mouse. As for the ache, i'm still feeling it in the wrist. Maybe it takes a while for it to go away or maybe i'm not adjusting to the ergonomic way yet...


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