
Monday, April 19, 2010

What do you do it gets 68F on Sunday?

68 degrees fahrenheit is ~ 20 degrees celsius.
You feel like summer is here already and feel all the warm amidst the sunny weather. Yes, that's how sun deprived we feel after being in the cold winter for the past few months. Anyway, what do we do?

We went to check out a park - Discovery Park in Seattle.

Here's Derrick and me on the trail that leads into a tunnel.

On the rocky beach, people were looking for clams.

Apparently there's a sign at the other side of the beach that says the shellfish are toxic. See me with my big mouth trying to eat it..

and the Barnacles on the rocks are still moving. Eeehh, we tried poking it and it feels like rock but it moves...

In all, we did the entire 2.8+miles trail and walked the entire park. It was really a nice sunny day to be out. Was totally exhausted after the walk though..


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