
Friday, January 21, 2011

How's the packing coming along?

hee, if you knew me, you will know that i'm terrible with packing stuff especially luggages. Yes, i have sambal chilli expode in my luggage and destroyed the luggage. So now Derrick has taken over the task of packing luggages for all our trips. What i do is, draft the list of things to do, things to pack, things to buy, etc..

Now that we have a baby, the list just grew. Emily has so much more stuff than us and especially since we will be back in Singapore for a while, there's quite a bit of stuff we do need to bring.

The plan now is Derrick is going to start packing the luggages this weekend. Wish us luck.

ohh.. Derrick just reminded me that i need to draft the list of things to eat too...


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