
Saturday, July 16, 2011

cough cough

Haven't been this sick for a long time. cough + fever, all thanks to Emily who herself is sick and got kicked out of daycare. Well, she has the nonstop flu ever since she started daycare. And now she got "pinkeye", which means yellow discharge coming out of her eyes and it's contagious. The daycare called us on tues afternoon to ask us to bring her to the doc, and she's been home ever since. Blah, and since it's a viral infection, there's no medicine for it.

Emily doesn't seem too bothered by it, except that we kept rubbing her eyes to clean off the yellow discharge.

Derrick also got a little cough from Emily, but this time round, he didn't fall as sick as me. I guess that last round when he was sick for 3 weeks, he kinda built up his immune system. And since i escaped the last round, i had it bad this time round.

Good thing is Derrick's parents are visiting us next week. And we will be putting Emily of "vacation mode". ie. She will be out of daycare for a week or two. Time for her to get some grandparents pampering and love. And also a break for her and us to recover from the daycare sickness.



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