
Monday, June 20, 2011

Craving for some korean dinner

Last saturday i was craving for some korean dinner so decided to try making some seafood pancake for the first time. And since i have no kimchi at home, i decided to cook some kimchi cup noodles to go with the pancake.

Loved my yellow ceramic cookware from locknlock.. See how pretty they look!

Yummy kimchi noodles with seafood pancake. I really love the the ceramic frying pan from locknlock, which is truly nonstick. It made cooking this pancake a breeze. Yummy korean dinner!



  • At 6:27 AM , Blogger ee said...

    I cannot see the pictures so weird. I also want to try korean pancakes leh .. keke ~

  • At 9:13 AM , Blogger ee said...

    I can see it le :P


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