
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Freeze prawns

We just did our grocery shopping at Ranch 99 at Renton. We haben been to this supermarket before and went with the rest today. While we were there, i wanted to buy frozen prawns but the other gers were telling me to buy fresh prawns instead. The thing is, fresh and frozen prawns were about the same pricing. i chose headless prawns where the heads have already been removed.

The good thing about fresh prawns is : It's still fresh? But i had to clean it and prepare it for my meals..

Frozen prawns on the other hand have been cleaned, and deshelled. The best part is the prawns are individually frozen and you dun have the prawns sticking together in a big pile.

Derrick deshelled a whopping 2lbs (~1kg) of prawns within 30min, which was very fast. We called him a machine desheller.. =P I did the slicing to remove the intenstine of the prawn. After which, we washed and here comes the challenge *To freeze the prawns individually*

Derrick laid the prawns neatly in a 2 plates and left them in the freezer. The next morn, we removed them and put them into a ziplock bag. We have more success with the round plate as the prawns are indivually frozen. As for the yellow plate, the prawns are stuck together in a row of 12. But it's fine for us.

I have learnt a lot from my mum and cooking shows. To save time for my weekday cookings, i prepare all the food during weekend when i get back from grocery. This way, we can cook very quickly every evening. I am glad that derrick helps me out in the housechores and we have fun experimenting with the cooking.

This 2lbs of prawns will most prob last us 1 mth. So the next time for our prawn purchase: Should we buy frozen or fresh prawns??


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