
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Weekend dinner / feast?

Weekend dinner
Today, we went Ranch 99 to do grocery shopping with the rest. More importantly, to buy crabs for chilli crabs tonight. Since coming to USA, i have eaten chilli crabs twice with them. We were commenting that we dun eat so much crabs when we were back home. Guess, all of us miss home food. It's a way for all of us to catch up with one another too..

Today's menu include: 2 chilli crab (Dungeon crabs) with fried man tou, Kang kong and roast duck and meat. With 9 of us, each of us paid $6 for the super full dinner. It's definitely cheap to cook at home. The super huge wok of kangkong only cost $2 at Ranch 99.

Oh ya.. If you remember my previous rant about expensive kang kong. It seems that that particular veg is expensive at some supermarkets. Viet wah and Ranch 99 seems to sell them cheap. Uwajimaya sells them for a whopping USD$3 for 0.5kg...


  • At 10:26 PM , Blogger Junyong and Eve said...

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  • At 10:31 PM , Blogger Junyong and Eve said...

    oh! both of u are so dilligent. Lazy me only separated my 1lb of prawns into 2 bags and threw them into the freezer in its original condition (with heads, shells, veins) :P

    btw i support fresh prawns! especially with heads on. my mama ever mentioned that they could have removed the heads coz they were dropping off/already dropped (meaning not fresh). but it's ur choice :)


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