
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Panda Express

Yup, we were late running some errands out today. And there in front of us was Panda Express.. So Derrick said, why don't we just buy some food back and save us the trouble.

Well.. I been wanting to try the food at Panda Express after hearing some rave about it from Johnson, my Singapore's ex-manager. Ended up, this was not a sit in restaurant, more like food court to me. But there was consistently ang mos queueing up to buy food in oyster box. Yup.. Those cute tin carrier boxes are called oyster boxes as they were originally designed to hold oysters.

In the end, we bought 1 serving to share as sometimes the serving size in USA is super huge. This is what we got for USD$6. Fried rice with fried beans(Derrick's choice) and chicken in orange sauce(My choice). The rice was a little bland but it goes very well with the ingredients which were a little salty in-my-palette's opinion. I think it's the best chinese chinese cheap food i had so far.. Will definitely give it another try again..


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