
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Someone close from home say..

"You have become a lazy woman!"
Oh my.... What a statement.

Kk...., I admit i was slagging behind in terms of blogging. Having devote whatever time i have had to WOW. It's certainly not easy to be a working women aka career women? There are so many things i have to handle everyday
1) Make breakfast
2) Work.. work and work harder...
3) Back home at 7pm
4) Tues, thurs hit gym after work
5) Cook dinner + tmr's lunch
6) Wash up
7) Bathe at 9+
8) Can i squeeze in time for WOW here??
9) Blog, surf net, give mama a 30-1hr call,
10) Time to sleep, zzzzz....

For weekends:
1) Do grocery shopping and prep grocery into smaller packs for easier cooking..
2) Do whole week's laundry and do some ironing if i'm in the mood.
3) Vacuum? I leave that to Derrick..
4) Going out? Maybe
5) Movies? If we can squeeze time out

Derrick helps me our in all housechores and i'm thankful for that. It's tiring after having worked a whole day killing bugs at work.. Am i lazy? Nope i dun think so. Being away from home requires a lot of independence. It's not like being posted abroad for few months. It's totally different. It's definitely been an eye-opener so far..

Maybe i'm lazy in appearance... But i have no idea where's good salon to do something about my hair. Dressing wise? Being comfortable and warm is more impt here...


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