
Monday, May 19, 2008

A special post for baby nephew

Yup, ella and her baby nephew Jeron. This trip back, i get to see my nephew for the first time. Oh my.. You should see how everyone coos over him. I think he's a baby sumo. He's really strong for a 2 month old baby.

He's pretty tanned and we all think it runs in the family. And seriously, i think there's more resemblance. hee.. Everyone thinks Jeron looks like baby ella.. kk, to prove my point, i share with all my fat baby pictures. here goes...

Here's me and Jeron now.
Me and Jeron

this is baby ella

this is baby Jeron

Now, does jeron looks like me? 1 thing for sure, i think i'm fatter than him in terms of baby size.


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