
Friday, May 02, 2008

Yikes... i forgot to reveal the secret

A while ago, i told you all about a secret which i forgot to reveal. This morning, a fren of mine asked me about it and i went oppps...

Derrick gave me a free shopping spree at Coach, but i only picked a small wristlet. The secret was the reason for the free spree from him...

The reveal........................................................................................
Well.. At that time, i was trying out for 2 teams in Microsoft. I wasn't feeling good about the interviews at that time. Let's just say, i did tried out for a few other teams and all didn't work out. Derrick was really sweet and to cheer me up, he said he will pay for a shopping spree in Coach if i get a job offer. So sweet hor...

Woohoo, in the end. i got the job offer. Not 1 but 2 job offers. Both teams offered me a job and i was in a deep dilema which to take. One was the team i'm currently contracting with, the other was a young and exciting team. The rounds of negiotations, etc perplexed me further during those 2 weeks.

I didn't tell my family back home or blog about this as I didn't feel comfortable revealing it. It's like.. What if the background check fails? What if both teams didn't work out? What if legal can't get me the paperwork?

I know.. i worry too much. But it was a difficult time for ella. To decide is a killer for me.

1 year ago, i took the gamble by leaving Singapore and the job i had back home. Coming to USA to work as a contractor was a crazy notion to a lot of people back home. To date, i have not regretted this move at all. I'm blessed to have spent the last 1 year working with Americans and subsequently contracting in Microsoft.

Landing a job with Microsoft is a milestone i achieved. I know a lot of people will kill to get a job with Microsoft. I'm not ashamed that i was a contractor previously with Microsoft. In fact, i think it's a ticket to the hive. I for one as a matter-of-fact, do terribly at Microsoft interviews.

To those people who laughed or snickered about ella about her crazy move. To those people who told ella that "so-and-so is making more $$ by staying in Singapore".. I hate to say this but i have to. What you were seeing then, is momentarily and not long term. I worked hard and that is certainly not proportional to job title.

I felt my past was like being a frog in the well. Being in the well, you are convinced it's better than risking it all to go out in the dangerous wild. Now that i'm out of the well, it's difficult to convince frogs in the wells that outside is better.

All i can say is, do what you deem best for yourself. Life is too short for regrets.


  • At 8:51 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    I guess we're not so different, sis..

    We're all very proud of you. :)
    (Now, that's v sweet of your sister me too right? tsk tsk..)

  • At 10:27 AM , Blogger GreyPolarBear said...

    So... which one is the secret?

    a) a fulltime Microsoftie? or
    b) that ur hubby gave u a free shopping trip at Coach?


    Well, like I always said... "to venture into the unknown and give it a try is better than to look back years later thinking to have taken that step and tried."

    I guess its not that there are a lack of opportunities for many of us, but its just that we often lack the courage to try out something different :)

  • At 11:27 AM , Blogger ella said...

    The secret is:
    a) a fulltime Microsoftie


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