
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Goodbye old friends and see you soon in Singapore

Today, we send off the Hos at the airport where they will return to Singapore. Kevin has accepted a job offer in Singapore and they are relocating back to Singapore to be with family. It's a good thing but it's really sad to see them leave after knowing them for 5 years.

We celebrate every festival, every one's birthday together. Life here in USA is more homely with all of these precious friends.

We all are like family here in USA. We meet almost every friday/ saturday for dinner + chit chat + Mahjong. When we have car trouble or need any help, we know there's plenty of help around from these very dear friends here. In fact, i said this before and i repeat again. I don't think even relatives are as close as these friends we have over here. So it's pretty sad to see anyone leave.

This is by the the most pieces of luggages i seen any of us travel with

A little hug from everyone for the safe flight back.

Sending my extra love for the Hos:
Kevin: Stay funny and crappy, we will miss you.
Linda: Stay young and we know you are a wonderful mom and dear friend. Will miss your love
Curtis: To our little drool monster, be a good brother and be good. You know you have all our love forever.
Frederick: Hello love, we are going to miss you growing up. But i know, you grow up to be a fine boy.

Last but not least, you know we will really miss you guys


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