
Monday, June 11, 2007

Yam Cake Round 2

Yam Cake

Did i mentioned that i made yam cake on sat morn? Well, i did the week's laundry, cleaned the floors, cooked lunch while Derrick is still sleeping away. Seeing the yam and flour remaining from the previous yam cake attempt, i decided to try making it again.

The last round, i think i added too much water and too much yam. The yam cake turned out literally purple in color and too "yam-my" Too much yam.. Too little salt was added and it was rather bland too.

So this time round, i used lesser water and lesser yam and more salt. And for the yam, i cut it into cubes instead of stripes. Result: A little hard, could have added more water. Taste-wise, yam cake lor.. =)

We 2 can't put it right. It doesn't taste bad but it simply just doesn't taste like the ones my mum make. It's the mama's touch that's lacking. My mum makes really good yam cake in super big quantity. And the best part is.... She wakes up and fries it ready for ur breakfast.. I guess mum's are all very noble. So cheers to all mamas..

As for me, i'm no noble chef. Despite my love to cook food, i have to work smart and save time. So i fried all the yam cake and they are now sitting in the fridge. So Derrick.. If u wan to eat yam cake, pls heat them up in the oven/ microwave..


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