
Thursday, June 14, 2007

You are from Singapore?

Today during a meeting at work, my American colleagues were asking me questions about Singapore. They discovered i'm from Singapore becos one guy guess it. Well.. It seems that Singaporeans talk with an British accent. That's wat they say..

Some questions they asked :
Ask) How far it is from USA?
Ans) It's 16hour behind USA and 20 hours of flight (not including waiting time)

Ask) Wah.. Isn't that the other part of the world
Ans) Yup. it's on the equater line

Ask) What language do we speak? Mandarin?
Ans) Mainly English and Chinese. But becos we mix a lot of words, we called it Singlish

Ask) Have u watched Pirates of the Carribean? Is that how Singapore really looks like?

Now that's the most funny part. Here i have 5 ang mos asking me about Singapore. A place they seldom hear but "seen" on movie. They have never been to this island of ours. And ppl who have asked me how's Singapore like:
1) It's hot and all year rd ard 90 (~30deg).
to the ang mos, that's scorching hot summer all year

2) It's 4 million ppl on 1 dot on the map
They thinks we are too crowded

3) We ban chewing gum, i can't think of another country that does that.
They think we are mad.


  • At 4:09 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Jing2: check out http://www.bevaart.com/cultureshock/

    You know you've been in SG too long when...

    Very funny.

  • At 11:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When I was on my backpacking trip through Russia and China, the Americans I met along the way thought my English sounded British. The British/Australian/New Zealanders thought it sounded American. Go figure :)


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