
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wet experience - Camping at Mt Rainier

We went Mt Rainier again for camping this time and have made reservation at Cougar Campground beforehand. It has been a bright and sunny week and we were looking forward to the camping. Well, will be using a lot of new gear that we just bought, new boots, tent, stove, etc..


On the way there, we stopped via Krispy Kreme and bought 1 dozen of donuts. Well.. You don't pass by a Krispy Kreme outlet everyday... So we had to buy some..

When we reached there, we set up our tent and went for a short hike - Carter Waterfall. Not too bad a hike, saw a lot of mushrooms along the way. Crossing the river felt scary though... I for one was fearful of heights and water. So you can sense my fear on that wooden bridge. But it was fun.

Ella on the bridge

Carter fall
At Carter falls

Our Tent up and ready

Derrick didn't step on this mushroom

When we got back from the hike, it started drizzling. Ok... We thought it's just drizzle.. But it felt cold and wet. We didn't bring any thick clothes or jacket and were regretting. The hot soup and noodle was a warm welcome in the cold and wet weather. As the rain doesn't seems like it's going to stop, we decided to sleep at 8pm. Well.. It's definitely a wet experience after that, The rain continued throughout the night and the tent was dripping water. Guess tents aren't 100% waterproof. I couldn't sleep as there was consistenly rain dripping onto my head. The sleeping bag was getting wet too.. Derrick on the other hand, could sleep.

When it's finally daybreak and Derrick woke up. I was so happy when he said, Let's go home. Cos there's no way to hike Rainer in this weather. So we packed and left. Just before we left for Mr Rainier, we checked the weather forecast and it was 20% chance that it might rain. This 20% ended up as persistent rain from Sat evening to Sun afternoon.
Rainy Day
Rainy drive back home

And we did our favourite event after leaving Rainier, which is to go Walmart shopping. Well.. Things are generally cheaper at Walmart... Although we didn't manage to so the SkyTrail hike, it had been an overall fun experience.

At least we learnt something new, when it rains in future, put the groundsheet over the tent...


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