
Monday, October 15, 2007

Vancouver - Continued

We went chinatown in the morning. It was a wet morning and walking around, chinatown looked very old. As we walk around in rounds, we went into a chinese hardware shop and bought more stuff for the house.. Ya.. Things like a Chopper, chopping board, etc..

Not knowing where to eat Breakfast. We headed back to Richmond to the closed - Beststone Restaurant place. We spotted a new cafe there and there was constantly people going into and out of the place. So we wanted to check it out...

Indeed, the food there was really good..
Derrick order Gu Lu Rou.. Oh my.. Authentic Chinese Sweet and sour Pork . Yummmyyy..
Gu Lu Rou

I order hot spicy noodle as i was feeling cold and wanted to fill my tummy with lots of spicy stuff before we head back to USA.
Spicy noodles
The soup reminded me of Myojo Tom Yum Maggi Mee - My fav. Nowadays, i reduced the portion i eat but i simpily cannot pass up on this bowl of spicy noodle. So i ate almost all of it.

In the end.. I'm too full to eat anything else. Even the floss bread we promised to eat at the bakery opposite the road. And we can't bring them back to USA becos of customs regulations. Keep it for next time...


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