
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

i almost became an overstayer in USA

Yes... It almost went unnoticed and i just learnt the important facts of it. Well, we didn't realise the importance of some paperwork. And here are the list of things for fellow friends in USA to note:

1) It's 'advisable' not to have gap between ur visa expiry and ur next visa renewal.
2) I94 is very impt. That dictates how long u can stay in USA. It's not visa expiry date
3) Visa expiry date is simply the date until which u can try to come into USA, that does not warrant u entry rights.
4) I797 receipt number is impt.. Custom officers want that number..

So my situation is complicated. my I94 is expiring before my visa which will make me an illegal overstayer. So i could extend my I94 or leave USA now to get a new one. Yes.. leave USA with the new paperworks..

In Summary, the easiest way for me to fix my situation was to go Vancouver and request a new one. Technically, that's leaving USA. It wasn't too bad, except that we had to wait 1 hour at the customs as i didn't have my I797 receipt number and the officer had to search for it.

And be nice, The officer was nice to me too.. it wasn't too bad an experience. I got to spend a day in vancouver too..


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