
Monday, March 23, 2009

Ella's brand green chili

I found green chili being sold here in USA at Mayuri, an indian supermarket. They were quite cheap at 99cent/lb, and so i bought some to make preserved green chili.
Long Green Chili
My very first attempt at this.. Of coz, i had some help. My mum gave me the instructions and derrick helped me with the cutting, ie supervision..

Wash Green chili
Wash them

Cut the green chili
Cut the green chili to pieces.

Hot bath
Scald the cut chili in hot water. Just a quick soak in the hot water.

Ice bath
Then soak the scalded chili in ice water. Drain dry and put into a container and leave in the fridge overnight.

Next day, put them into a glass bottle, fill with vinegar and lots of sugar. (approximately 5 tbsp to 1 cup of vinegar, u can alwiz add more sugar later if the chili is still spicy)

Dig in
After 3 days.. ermm we only waited for 2 days. it's good to be eaten. Yeah.. It goes very well with pumpkin fried rice. hee.. certainly easy to make and a successful one.

Time to make more to eat with hor fun and many other dishes.

oh.. don't throw the bottle and vinegar away.. They can be reused for future batches, just add more sugar..


  • At 8:12 PM , Blogger Benjamin Thong said...

    ooo! thanks for the recipe! Now I can go pickle my chili :p got a few plants in malaysia home hehe


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