
Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's ella been doing the whole week?

This week, managed to stuck to a new routine for the entire week which is to, wake up at 730am, have breakfast and reach work at 830am. Now, you must been thinking what's so hard about this?

Well, for the longest time ever, we have been going to work around 10am and back to cook dinner around 7-8pm. By the time, we are done with dinner and the washup, it's usually 9-10pm. And we both feel that having dinner at such a late timing really isn't healthy.

And for the longest time ever, we been struggling to wake up earlier but to no avail. Derrick started this routine last week, but i only successfully stuck to it faithfully this week.

I think it's good as nowadays by noon, i have quite a bit of work done before i get caught up by meetings and lengthy discussions. Only downside to this, is that we are still working till 7pm. Yes... i know.. But it can't be helped that both of us are rushing some work this week.

I'm going to put a reminder on my computer for 6pm = "Time to cook"


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