
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yogi Attack round 3 amidst the heat

Just came back from hot yoga with the ladies again. The yoga wasn't too bad, in fact, the heat itself doesn't feel so bad either. Considering that it's almost 100 degrees fahrenheit which is ~37.7 degree celsius. There were a lot of people today for the class too. Like the instructor says "You all are very brave to attend class considering it's 100 degrees outside today"

Well, let's just say the classroom and outside is almost similar in temperature already.

Singapore's average temperature is 28-32 degree celsius. and you wouldn't think that it's possible for Seattle to be hotter than Singapore. It's an unusal heat wave, that's what the news says. It's just weird to see hot sunny days, and not drizzling cold weather in Seattle.

Like we all say: "It always rain in Seattle", now time to change that saying


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