
Monday, July 27, 2009

Yogi Attack

There's been a few hot yogas opening in the area and i have been contemplating to try it out for a while.. This weekend, finally decided to pull a bunch of friends to try out this $10 for 10day-pass. And we started hot yoga on saturday and let's just say, the first lesson "fried" most of all.

The heat, the streching, the sweat, etc.. in all was a giddy experience. Derrick describes it as torture. Yes.. I managed to pull Derrick to join us for hot yoga.

In the FAQ for beginners, it's recommended to do hot yoga again within 24hours of the first lesson. Let's just say half the gang, decided to pass on another round of yoga class for Sunday. As for me and Derrick, we went again and bought yoga mats in hope that we will go again. pss... the yoga mats were on sale and at $10 each, they were quite a steal. So we just bought it anyway.

So off we went to yoga again on Sunday morning dragging a heavy heart for the second round of torture.
New yoga mats

This time round, it wasn't bad at all. In fact, for this second lesson, none of us felt giddy or faint. And we could attempt all the poses. Well done! And we all felt that, it was worthwhile to have given it a second shot.

Now i have 8 days left on my 10days pass. Time to make full use of it to make myself healthier..


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